I can't believe another year has passed. Like damnnn, haha. I keep getting older and I keep growing and learning. Most people that know me, know that I'm so appreciative of good and supportive people in my life. I've been through ups and downs with "friends" who I thought were the real deal and I let myself open and up and get too close to. The thing that I realized is
you don't know what a good and caring person is until you meet the people who really fuck you over. This post is about me giving thanks, showing appreciation and showing some love for a lot you and also giving thanks for the help this year. I've hella grown this last Fall semester, I've been given so many more opportunities and have been through the ringer, but overall that struggle was worth it cause I look back and I'm such a different person. Someone who is stronger, resilient, more determined, more goal oriented and more outgoing. I'm thankful for all of you.
And I re-discovered my love for MUSIC. =]

Justin DeGuia: My little brother who is actually 6'1'' and taller than me now. Damn you! I remember when I was always taller than you and then my Senior year in high school you started to catch up like crazy. Anyway, for most of 2008, I haven't lived at home. First part I was in the dorms and the part after summer I was in the city at my apartment. I must say one of the HARDEST things is for me to be away from you. I gotta be real. You're one of my best friends, you got my back even though you always wanna pick fights and say shit to me. But I know we laugh more than we have our little stupid bitch fights. haha. It really does suck being away from you for too long. You listen to me vent about my problems, we go cook chicken nuggets from scratch at 1am and I drive you to get your Baconator or your Spicy Chicken Crisp. How the fuck you stay so skinny is amazing to me; damn Fast Food Junkie. I still say we move out to Cali when I get done at UIC and then you can go play ball for CSU Fullerton. haha. I don't know why I always say that school. Anyway, I love you little brudder, road dogs -- holllaa
Ballerz: 2008 was the first year we weren't together anytime besides summer. Kinda sucks huh? I think it does! You guys remember always being together the end of Senior year? I remember April and Justin would come to my tennis matches and April always had a sign to rock. Love that shit, forreal. It's hard that we're basically all on our own away at school, but I know we're all busting our asses trying to get those degrees. It'll pay off guys! The only one that really far is April. Damn you and your 4 hour drive to Western Ill. I still say consider Columbia. haha. I'm glad I have you guys to talk to when I'm feeling like shit, but also just to laugh and make fun of people from high school who fucked us over and now have fucked themselves over. GOOD SHIT! Justin, FACT was hella fun! I can't wait for MAFA. AshTAN, you've been invisible...well kinda. You're still my buddy for scary movies and eating. Of course...eating. haha. And April, my sister, friends since we were three...I'm glad you're always willing to listen to me cry or vent. How can I forget to mention the car rides when you get all buckwild and crazy to the music. Damn...I'm gonna miss that stuff when you go back! Ballerz Forever...you got my back, I got yours'.
Nate Tano: Nate Fucking Tano. Dude who woulda thought after all that confusion that we'd still end up living together? haha you almost going to Arizona and then me supposedly just living with my Ate Heather only. I'm glad we found a 3 bedroom. You always got my back dude and I'm glad that I still have you as one of my boys. Damn, can you believe friends since we were like 6? I must say getting hella wasted before we go out to Target on the subway or whatever is some of the best times. You really are a brother to me. People like you, don't come around often and I'm glad we've still remained close after all this time. Let's go buy some of those dope ass sneakers...well when I get a job cause my broke ass is still looking for one! haha. It's been a great time living with you dude, here's to the next couple of months till our lease runs up!
Ate Heather & Rampelle: Ate Heather, I can't really say how happy I am more so now than before that you asked me to be your roommate. I think it was the best choice! haha. I really like living with you. And I'm really glad we've gotten a lot closer. Ever since you started working at UIC, I feel like we have. You're always an open ear and we joke about the stupidest shit. Oh yea, and your Sinigang is off the hook. Wayy better than my mom's. I'm just really happy I have a good influence in my life like you, there basically 24/7. I really look up to you, all the AACC stuff and all the personal things you've accomplished. You've helped sculpt me into a more vocal and confident person, especially with all the Asian American/Filipino American advocacy stuff. Just wanna say thanks and again here's to the next couple months till our lease is up! Rampelle, dude the food you cook is fucking tasty as hell. I can tell you and my Ate are hella in love. I've never really seen her interact with a boyfriend, but I can tell how happy you make her. I don't know what it is, but it's like you two are really meant for one another. You're humor is the same and you two just hella click and it just works really well.
Ate Vanessa: I like being in the city now, because I get to see a lot more of you. I appreciate all the stuff you do for me. Whether its the guidance and examples you've set for me or the countless miles driven for cousin time. I wanna say thanks for all the things you've given me and all the "younger" cousins. The America's Best Dance Crew Tour was one of the highlights for me. And 2nd row...like holy shit...you don't understand how much you mean to me, Ate. I don't think I'd be as powerful or determined to change the world if I didn't have you pulling for me as I was growing up.
Meg and Chels: I don't wanna favorite cousins, but how can I not, when it's always been you two and my brother and me. I love you guys so much and we're all growing up so fast. At times when we're together, it feels like I'm still 13 and in 8th grade. Cousin time was well deserved this week. I hope you two know that if you need anything I'm here for you and so is Justin. Megan, I'm glad how close we've gotten this year. Our paths have met up again, after being kinda shaky before. I hope you know that I believe in you and want you to be successful and happy in anything situation or pursuit. Chelsea, I'm here for you if you ever need anything, if you need to getaway from Streamwood we can go to Boston Market and cop some cornbread. haha. But honestly, you ever get too stressed out or anything, you know my number. I'm glad we've gotten closer too. To both of you, finish your respective schools with a lot of effort cause next year both of you will be in a different school. Good luck with the rest of the year.
Kuya Christian & Sherille: Kuya Christian, what can I say except for thank you. You've made these past years fun with all the time you've spent creating family moments with us little cousins. Really stuff like that has left memories that I can never forget. All the miles driven and the laughs mean the world to me. Sherille, haha I love playing that Jeopardy game we'd all play after Kuya Christian would cut my hair, even though you always won. haha. You make my Kuya Christian so happy. And all us younger cousins can genuinely see that. I'm so glad to see him so happy. It's like he glows when he's with you. And he did paint his toe nails red cause of you right? Or what that on his own? hahaha just kidding. More sweet potato fries!
Sabrina & Val Tatunay: I'm glad we've all gotten close this year. I feel really close to both of you now. I wish you guys didn't live so far away in Chula Vista, California. I know me and my brother were supposed to come down for winter break, but it didn't work out. Hopefully we can be reunited soon. I really wanna try and get down there for your graduation, Val. Val, I wish I coulda seen you dance with Intrace, who knows maybe you'll be in another crew the next time I see you. Keep having fun with Spotlight and hopefully you're last part of high school is fun and memorable. Sabs, haha what can I really say? I've known you for the past 3 years. And damn isn't it kinda like a roller coaster? I don't know, we're weird haha. I hope you still pursue culinary school. I can tell you really love cooking and all that. Gotta chase that dream! Hopefully a San Diego - Chicago reunion soon. =]
Asian American Coalition Committee - Joyce & Brandon & Rhonda - Nightvision: I love you guys. Really, the tangents we would get on during our E-board meetings haha. I feel like a big happy AACC family with you guys and the youngsters. I love the Meli's breakfast outings in Greektown and that one dollar store trip when Vicky was going ape shit. Brandon, thanks for all the backstage work you put into Nightvistion, I know it was hella hard and I appreciate you getting it all done. Joyce, thanks for keeping AACC up and going and making this year a lot of fun. Ate Rhonda, thanks for being so supportive and helpful with everything, all my questions and concerns. I don't know what I'm gonna do next year when Brandon and Joyce leave. It's gonna be so different and I'll have to step it up and be more organized and stuff. I can do it! It's just weird to think about. Nightvision was so pivotal for me. It was my chance to step out into the Asian American Org scene at UIC. Even though the highlight of my hosting might have been my Otso Otso it meant so much to be up there. Here's to AACC and the rest of the year. Let's keep it going guys, we're doing so good!
Filipinos in Alliance - Melissa Gaba - Phill Ozaki - Filipinos in Media Workshop: I just wanna say thanks to Filipinos in Alliance for being so supportive and receptive of the workshop back in November. You guys are really doing some big things. MAFA is here this year and you guys are doing a lot of good community outreach as well. I'll be more involved this semester, if I'm not too busy with AACC! Melissa, thanks for letting the collabo between AACC and FIA happen. I must say, I might not be an avid FIA member but from I can see, you're a good president who stays on her shit and who's really helpful too! Definitely a lot better than what I've seen in the past. Keep it up. Phill Ozaki, my Kuya, dude we worked our asses off on that workshop and it turned out to be one hella dope experience. I can't believe you didn't know Vanessa and Heather were my cousins. haha. Anyway, thanks for making the workshop a good experience. I felt like a lot of people walked away a lot more knowledgeable on a topic that usually brushed under the rug. Get more involved with AACC!
Chris and Steven Cole: I'm so glad that, one night in the spring that I got bored and went on YouTube and was looking for singers just singing. Little did I know, that clicking a video titled "Tamia's Officially Missing You" would lead to a lot of change. Chris, your talent is admirable. Your voice is hella versatile and the emotion you put into songs can be heard every time you sing. I gotta say thanks for after all that Nightvision confusion that you still came through and killed the performance. I remember when Nate, Megan and I picked you up from the Airport and when were chillin in your hotel room for a little bit. Not only was that hella fun, but shit the advice you gave me about school is something that made me re-think my own college path. I finally have a good idea of what I want to do. I know I for sure want to work with Music and more importantly with Fil-Am artists. Like forreal, without some of the things you said I'd be stuck fully committed to a major in Kinesiolgy with not even looking to minor in Communications. I plan to intern my ass off and network my ass off. Gotta say thanks for keeping up with the texts that one night, I got hella sick and was drunk off my ass. You're definitely like a Kuya to me. I look up to you and the determination you have to pursue your dream. Good Luck with the Kumbia Kings, I know you'll be a great lead singer for them. Keep it up! And again, if you need any street team things I'm here. Steven, KUYA! haha, dude your guitar playing is sick and your talent is also really admirable like Chris'. I'm really glad you guys ended up coming out to Chicago for the performance. It would have been so much cooler if I could have shown you guys around the city more. But next time you come down here I for sure will show around. And more pizza for sure. Again, thanks for texting me and helping me get through my one crazy and sick Friday night. haha. Like I said to Chris, I definitely look up to you. You're mad talented and a Kinesiology major too. You got my support out here in Chicago. Anything you need I got you and Chris.
Future Plans: I want to create a stronger Fil-Am music scene here in Chicago. Something that is close to that of the West Coast. I want to be able to connect Fil-Am youth through a creative spectrum. I feel like music is the best way to do that. I know there are hella talented Fil-Ams out here and I want to give them a stage to do that they love and perform. If anyone is on board to help me create a showcase this summer, definitely get at me on here. We need to start working on it soon. Especially since I'm aiming for an August date. That's the immediate future. As for long term, I plan to move out to California after I'm all done with college here in Chicago. I don't know where exactly. Maybe the Bay Area where I know Fil-Am music is booming, Los Angeles where the industry is obviously so strong, and of course SoCal to be close to my Tatunay girls. I'd have to be looking towards the first 2 in a career sense. Wish me the best of luck, I'm gonna be making a lot of strides for Fil-Ams. We're a race that's neglected and I'm gonna help keep some of this momentum that we got this year going. Just look out, I know this is what God wants me to do, my parents might not now, but I know in my heart I want this really bad.
U.S. Cities I Want To Visit in 2009 (Random Order):
Seattle, WA
New York City, NY
Miami, FL
San Francisco, CA
Atlanta, GA
San Diego, CA
Places outside of U.S. I want to Visit in 2009 (Random Order):
Puerto Rico
London, England (Wimbledon)
Paris (French Open)
Top Songs of 2008 (Random Order):
Rihanna - Disturbia
Ne-Yo - Closer
Danity Kane - Damaged
Chris Brown - Forever
Beyonce - If I Were A Boy
Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love
Lil Wayne - A Milli
T.I. - Whatever You Like
Kanye West - Love Lockdown
Lupe Fiasco - Hip Hop Saved My Live
chrisCole - Perfect
N.E.R.D. - Everyone Nose
Britney Spears - Womanizer
Usher - Love In This Club
Jazmine Sullivan - Need U Bad
Trey Songz - Missin' You
I really wanna travel, but yea right like I can afford the out of country trips. Well I can dream!

I hope you guys know how much you guys have shaped me. It was a great year and I hope I can make 2009 just as good. Peace and Love.